The Way of Spontaneity


The art and power of spontaneity, in ancient philosophy, in jazz, in everyday life. We’ll look at “Trying Not To Try," the Chinese concept of “Wu-wei”, and the completely focused mental state of “flow.”

The old reggae song says “Try. Try and try. You’ll succeed at last.” And we know there can be truth in that. But we also know that grinding, stressful, pounding effort can turn self-defeating. My guest today studies philosophy and neuroscience. He says look to the way of spontaneity. To the old Chinese philosophers of the Tao and more. Get in the zone. Act freely, spontaneously. And you may find your most productive, creative self. A Ttiger Mom might not get it. But Yoda would, he says. This hour On Point: the Tao of spontaneity, the way of flow. And trying not to try.


The Dao of Letting Go

